The judge said Flynn, ‘sold out his country, and LIED to the FBI’.

BUT, in the ‘alternative facts’ world of Bullshit Mountain, (where Flynn is innocent cuz the FBI didn’t warn him it’s illegal to LIE to them), they put a bit of a different spin on it, for their gullible sheep, saying his crimes were more like ‘pulling the tags off a mattress.’
You can’t make this stuff up, like FOX does.....but at least there’s new ‘smocking gun’.

The charges against Flynn are mere “infractions,” not unlike “pulling off mattress tags,’’

BTW, have you seen the ‘totally batshit crazy’ Rudy Giuliani lately?
OMG, it’s OK for the prez to LIE, cuz he’s NOT UNDER OATH, according to the ‘truth isn’t truth’, whack job, one of Dotard’s many professional LIARS.


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