Sorta like Dotard’s inauguration, NO ONE wants to join in the Super Bowl entertainment.

Yup, the NFL sided with the Liar in Chief against Colin Kaepernik and NONE of the major stars wanna be associated with the rightwingnuts.
Maybe Three Doors Down, Dotard’s inauguration band can reprise?
The rightwingnuts just don’t get it.
The Liar in Chief is a pariah, on his way out as history will judge him, and no one with a functioning brain, FOXSheep obviously excluded wanna be associated with the a-hole.
The future WILL come and we will be held accountable for being FOR or AGAINST the Russian-backed, arrogant, incompetent Pussy Grabber.
Hmmm, which side you wanna be on, as we look back on this, like Watergate, Viet Nam, and the WMD LIES to start a war in Iraq?
I know, some jerks still don’t get it.
They’re called FOXSheep, and they are totally clueless and gullible
Oh yeah, a Bullshit Mountain moron.....


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