Don’t worry, aDotard has SEVERAL plans, which always work

First, LIE about the problem, then give it a nasty nickname, or,
Buy it off, with a check for $130,000-$150,000, or,
Declare bankruptcy, but steal all the cash first, or,
Go to Russia for financing, or,
Have McTurtleface just bury it on his desk and call COVID19 the Do Nothing virus, or,
Put FOX and Sean in charge and they will just make up what the sheep wanna hear, or,
Fire all the competent people and hope the problem disappears, or,
Spray your face orange, say you weigh 239 lbs and no one will suspect anything, or,
Put Atty Gen Wm Barr in charge and delete all the facts, or,
Put the virus in the same hole as your taxes and no one will ever see it again, or,

Just put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye, cuz a Dotard’s in charge......


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