Just a factoid here for the morons who voted for Dotard, cuz he’s such a great businessman.

The asshole inherited a fortune from Fred, his old man, a crook and a notorious tax cheat. IF, he would have just invested in a stock market index fund, the asshole would have made MUCH more money than he did, even with all his scams and bankruptcies, including the MAIN source of his wealth, laundering rubles for the Russian Mafia. Not even a doubt and it could be proven, if his henchmen weren’t hiding his taxes.

Ever wonder WHY Vlad and Russia supported him? All 17 US Intel agencies agree they did.

This is the Financial Genius that the FOXSheep put in charge of the country, at the urging of the TV preachers, who live in mansions and drive multiple luxury cars.
Not that these morons will ever remove their heads from deep in their asses, but if they did, we’d have a country to be proud of, instead of this plague stricken mess.
Never mind, I can explain, but I can’t make the morons understand.
BTW, the Art of the Deal prez is paying $45,000 per ventilator, which used to be one tenth of that.
Nothin new here as he and the Pubs rape the Treasury.....


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