Dotard always needs an enemy to trash, whether it’s Fake News (whatever news he doesn’t like) or a politician he can label with a nasty name. His latest enemy is the Gov of Michigan.


Why That ‘Woman In Michigan’ Keeps Drawing Donald Trump’s Wrath

One governor is listening to public health experts on coronavirus; another isn’t. Guess which one Trump is trashing?
“We need tests, we need personal protective equipment, and we can’t get them” she said during a CNN interview with Jake Tapper on March 20.

 That was her mistake. Telling the truth. And it was to CNN. Dotard came unglued, and has his new enemy, telling Pence not to talk to her and telling govt agencies not to ship aid to Michigan.
THIS is the asshole(R) we have in charge.
Screw him and the ignorant gullible sheep he rode in on....


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