FOX/Dotard/Pubs, one and the same, are bitchin cuz Dems won’t sign off their Big Business/\screw the workers plan,

which among other problems give the Treasury (Repub MNuchin) a $500 Billion slush fund, to bail out HIS picks for govt money, with NO oversight. When asked if his businesses would get fed $$$, Dotard said, Let’s wait and see. Duh, ya wanna guess?
Typical Pub bullshit. Craft govt handouts for the wealthy and SCREW the little people, just like Dotards Tax Cut, which gave all the $$ to the one percent. Then when it came time to PAY for it, the assholes(R) wanna cut, Soc Sec and Medicare.
Screw Dotard and the ignorant gullible sheep he rode in on.


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