Just like his father, Jerry Falwell was a criminal conman, his son, JF Jr is an idiot, and it’s gonna plain to all, in the not too distant future,

as rightwingnut, hardcore Dotard supporter, is opening his ‘Liberty University’, on a par with Trump University, while the rest of the nation shuts down.
Fantastic experiment in Darwinism as we’re gonna SEE science vs fanaticism. May the best system win.....

‘He’s Going to Do Whatever He Wants’

Jerry Falwell Jr.’s decision to reopen Liberty University’s campus amid the coronavirus pandemic has sparked anger and confusion—even among those usually sympathetic to him.
“You have … 16,000 petri dishes he’s inviting back to Lynchburg, who have gone out all over country for spring break—he’s inviting them back into our city, our community, knowing that at some point they’re gonna have to interact with the public.”


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