Dotard’s impeachment is bringing out videos of the mob, incited by the Pathological Liar who told his gullible, ignorant sheep

 That the election was STOLEN, although there was ZERO evidence, and we (those with a functioning brain) know it is all a Big Lie. 

But that doesn’t stop the morons from swallowing what they WANT to believe. The same crowd that swallows the crap from FOX and the TV preachers. At least most of them never leave their couches and recliners, BUT the lunatic fringe isn’t limited to the couch potatoes. The white Supremecists, Proud Boy types loves to ‘play with their guns’ and were only too happy to listen to Dotard’s call for a’wild time’ on Jan 6.

Never mind, if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand.


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