From the Big Names in TV preachers like Franklin Graham and Pat Roberts,, who fleece the suckers for untold millions,

 To lesser flim flammers we saw their prophecies, with heads down and arms raised, about how God had spoken to them and assured a Trump victory in 2020. Many times with Dotard in the center, with a smirk on his face.

The question now arises. Do the sheep(R) give a shit when their leaders, with a ‘supposed pipeline to God’ are shown to be so totally and unequivocally WRONG?

I’m sure they just blow it off, cuz anyone who could support a morally bankrupt asshole like Donald Trump is as far removed from the Jesus of the Bible as Dotard is from actually relating to them as anything but suckers who vote.

Bottom line, these are FOX people, and between the ‘news’ from Bullshit Mountain and their myths and superstitions, reality and facts were never high on their agendas, SO, what’s one more failed prophecy?


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