In typical rightwingnut fashion, the gov(R) of Texas shifted the blame for his and the state’s(R) incompetence

 Away from the obvious problems, when their state and people(R) froze when their utilities went down.

The problem, according the incompetent jerks(R)?

 It was that damn Green New Deal, cuz some of the windmills, (the ones that cause cancer, you know) froze up and screwed up the entire electrical system.

And that’s how it was reported on Bullshit Mountain, as the shit was shoveled to the willing sheep, AGAIN.

The truth of the matter is that the TX utilities, which are so proudly INDEPENDENT weren’t prepared for cold weather, cuz that takes longer and costs more, SO the dumbasses(R) didn’t do it.

The wind turbines in Colorado, and other cold weather states have NO PROBLEM with the weather, BUT, in Texas, when the (cold) shit hits the fans, it’s the fault of the Green New Deal and the clowns at FOX jump on the story and smugly say, ‘We told you so’, as they lie through their teeth, as ALWAYS.

But why do they think they can get away with such an obvious lie? The answer, surely, is that those peddling the lie know that they’re operating in a post-truth political landscape. When two-thirds of Republicans believe that Antifa was involved in the assault on the Capitol, selling the base a bogus narrative about the Texas electricity disaster is practically child’s play.

Just one more example of why the sheep are so ignorant and uninformed. It’s called Pub lies and FOXBullshit. Some things never change.


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