When we speak of The Big Lie from Trump, most people think of his big LIE that he didn’t lose the election.

 As harmful as that lie is, it’s not his worst lie.

There was another big lie in 2020, also propagated by former President Donald Trump, involving the coronavirus pandemic. It was a lie that systematically downplayed the severity of Covid-19 and the utility of face masks. It very likely resulted in the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Think of it. Hundreds of thousands! Making the US, with our wealth, technology and resources, Number ONE in the world, in deaths from COVID, because we had an arrogant, incompetent asshole(R) in charge.

Not only did he deny the severity of the pandemic, after dismantling the Pandemic Response Team and claiming, it’s under control, and t will miraculously disappear, BUT, he convinced the gullible, ignorant sheep who actually swallow his crap that wearing a mask was a political statement, and they shouldn’t do it.

The good news? The morons(R) who followed his advice were more likely to die and the ‘culling of the herd’ made us stronger as a species. Fortunately, that’s how it works. But still, hundreds of thousands died, who shouldn’t have. Dotard made every mass murderer/serial killer look like rank amateurs, compared to the body count he racked up, through his arrogance and total incompetence, precisely at a time when America needed a competent, intelligent leader. 

But we had Dotard......


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