Like the Israelites and their Golden Calf, the Pubs rolled out a Golden Dotard statue at their CPAC conference.

 The morons(R) pledged undying fealty to the Russian backed, LYING, NYC conman as their 2024 candidate.

I couldn’t be happier about it.

The Pussy Grabber’s reign included losing the House, Senate, presidential election, two impeachments and and murderous insurrection, while NEVER reaching fifty per cent approval. Many members of his own party hate him and his brand. I have heard of ZERO new recruits to the Pub party while yuuuge numbers are bailing from the sinking ship. And this is BEFORE the facts in the MANY lawsuits and court cases against the criminal fraud emerge and hit the headlines.

Go ahead, you clueless, gullible minions and line up behind the FOX anointed LOSER. Sure, you have the hardcore, Bullshit Mountain brainwashed sheep, BUT, the educated, non Bible Belt voters aren’t gonna fall for his LIES and the crap from Ted Cruz and Dotard’s other ass lickers.

The Pubs ONLY chance is to lock out the voters they don’t like, and that’s their plan, with over a hundred bills in dozens of states aimed at blocking the votes of legitimate voters. The losers(R) are desperate and their plan is obvious. Just keep shoveling the shit to the sheep, about rigged voting machines and ‘It was Antifa at the Capitol building, NOT Trump people’, and the morons swallow it.

Bottom line, morons will be morons, BUT, there aren’t enough of them to win, especially with Dotard at the helm of the sinking ship.

Go Pubs! Trump is your boy! Stick with him and the lies! We Trump haters, the majority, couldn’t be happier.


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