IF I believed like the majority of Dotard’s base, that God punishes those whose political beliefs don’t agree with theirs, I’d laugh and point to the map where ‘God’s Storms’ are punishing the sinners.

 The path of record cold, massive snowstorms and power outages is nearly an exact overlay of the Bible Belt Base who has supported the Russian backed, Lying conman through anything and everything. From Pussy Grabbing to trying to overturn an election.

Nearly identical on the map. And here comes round two.

I don’t believe in stuff like that, unlike those who are getting a double whammy now, but if I did, it’d be pretty obvious WHY they’re getting Old Testament style God’s wrath upon them.

And, if you believe such stuff, today God smacked down one of the WORST purveyors of the bullshit that keep the sheep so ignorant and uninformed. Rush Limbaugh will never again spew the rightwingnut propaganda that won him the double digit IQ crowd’s rapt adulation.

I hated Rush especially cuz he was smart enough to know the truth, but shoveled the shit to the sheep cuz it made him a big star in a particularly dark sky. Good riddance to one of the worst of the worst.


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