Wow, Wayne Allyn Root is bitchin;, on FOX, cuz he got cancelled on Twitter.

 He’s saying he has ‘No idea, why’.

Well, the rightwingnut asshole is lying about that too, cuz a quick look on Wikipedia gives me a good idea..

And this is just a SMALL part of the assholes’ lies and bullshit, that the sheep swallow.

On the night of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, in which 58 people were shot and killed by Stephen Paddock (including himself) and 2 of them shot by Paddock later died of their injuries in 2019 and 2020 respectively, Root tweeted: "Clearly coordinated Muslim terror attack." Police later determined only one shooter—a non-religious American—was involved.[32][34][35]

In 2018, Root argued that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election is motivated by "penis envy", because "Mueller's is smaller than Trump's."[31]

In 2020, Root claimed without evidence that Joe Biden's son Hunter had raped and tortured children.[36]

I could go on and on, but WHY?


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