I base my life,

upon rationality and logic, BUT, I have been fighting a tankless electric hot water heater, for the last year or so. Won't get into all the boring details, but my elec , tankless, HWH, heated water to about half the faucets in my house, and NOT the other half. Replaced it once, and came to the realization it is not the HWH's fault. Bottom line, with a traditional HWH, my plumbing works fine. With tankless, it doesn't, because, I THINK, we have a crossover, somewhere in the house, between the hot and cold water pipelines. Why it doesn't matter with a traditional HWH tank, I have NO idea. The good news, we now have hot water to ALL faucets, including guest showers. The bad news? 'Twas about an $800 experiment, plus MANY hours of my time, as I pretended I was a plumber. Will probably never know why/what happened, BUT, we got hot water all over now. Wahoo...
Ya like the picture of Carol?


Fam Guy said…
SO, why did you comment?
ladyj said…
Ranny never comments, unless it's to say he'll "take care of Carol while you're gone". You ought to know that by now, Stevo.
So happy you finally got the thankless tankless HWH figured out, although yu're 800 dollars poorer, but a bit wiser, eh?
Fam Guy said…
Hard to imagine I could actually be wiser...
ladyj said…
I know, I was trying to be kind.
ladyj said…
someone please put Ranny back in his box.

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