Some people wonder,

why I don't get more comments on my blog. Answer; MOST people I know, after several years of blogging, have no idea I have a blog. As in, the friends we went to Mexico with, 3 times. Our neighbors, my golf buddies, WAY over half of my relatives and the people we have worked with. This is my diary, NOT a way to get under the skin, or get comments from people I know. Just in case, you wondered, BUT, from the people who do read it, I love comments.....


ladyj said…
Is that a dig Boy Wonder?
Fam Guy said…
At who? Why? Don't understand...
Cyndi Lineen said…
Okay Steve, I have to come out of the closet! I can't remember how I found out about your blog, but I enjoy following your political commentary and of course I love the family stuff and books! I feel a bit like an intruder! Just a friend enjoying your writing!
Fam Guy said…
That is a surprise, Cyndi, I had no idea that any of y'all knew anything about FamGuy. No such thing as an intruder in a blog on the web. Feel free to comment, but don't feel like you have to.
Cyndi said…
I believe you can't be an interesting true friend unless you know a little bit about each other! It takes time but I think it is worth it! I will comment more often now that I know it is okay to visit!! I have a lot good books that I would like to see if you and Carol want to read sometime! Need to clean out, we are running out of space! Happy Trails my friend!

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