Some people wonder,

what's with the killer whale that killed the handler? This wild creature lives in a small concrete pond, after being born to cruise, and rule the seas. Why did it attack? Why not? If it was me, I'd attack....


Shanel said…
So true.. it is a killer whale.. what did they expect... it's its nature... the whale did what it knew to do...
ladyj said…
that is why I do not go to any event where animals are there to entertain. I don't thinks bears should be juggling balls, or lions appearing and disappearing under a black cape, neither orcas balancing people on their snouts while swimming across a pool. I disagree with polar bears sizzling in the heat in some west coast zoo.
Witnesses stated the trainer was wearing her hair in a ponytail which was a rule violation and evidently agitated the whale(s).
Cyndi said…
Ditto! "Don't Fence Me In"!!!

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