Fair and balanced, my ass

If you ever doubted FOXNews was a shill for the Repubs, just compare their headlines to the legitimate news agencies on this day when it looks like health care, for the American people, will finally be passed. What a joke they are. Just not very funny...


Anonymous said…
What do you expect from those jerks? At least they are consistent.
ladyj said…
The only individual from Fox I've ever seen in a standing position is Glenn Beck and we all know he's an idiot. He now wants anyone who hears their pastor/minister/clergy say anything about social or civil justice to leave the church, because that means SOCIALISM! The nazis are coming! I swear the man is getting crazier by the minute. He actually believes Sarah Palin is intelligent.
My point is: the other anchors of FOXNEWS are sitting, as most puppets do........

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