Really amazing,

but here we are again. I'm just 38 pages into 'Texasville', Larry McMurtry's sequel to 'The Last Picture Show', ( he also did Lonesome Dove', one of the best stories EVER) about some hicks in Texas, who are suffering through the same oil glut that was in 'Saturday Night Lights', around Midland, Texas, and the quote from Luthie, about how to make money again is, "Let's just bomb OPEC", which was meant to be funny, BUT, George 'F' Bush, who lived in the area at the time, was actually able to do it. That's exactly the mentality that screwed up our country. From $147/bbl oil through the whole economic mess we are living with, since that retarded cowboy ran the country, with his buddy from Haliburton. These books should be required reading for anyone who wants to understand how the greatest country in the world was brought to it's knees by oil men from Texas.


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