Rick Sanchez gets booted,

from CNN for calling Jon Stewart a bigot, but this morning Rush Limbaugh called Obama an idiot, our 'imam-child', an ignoramus and a jackass. Think FOX will demand his head? Yeah, right. This moron was complaining about corporations sitting on a pile of cash and not investing or hiring. The reality, obvious to anyone who doesn't get their news from a propaganda outlet like FOX, is that there is no need to hire or expand, cuz there is no reason to. The economy is still trying to recover from 8 years of abuse from the Repubs. Duh... Bush handed off a sinking ship, BUT, the moronic crowd at FOX thinks it should have been fixed 'immediately' and loves to say the reason for no business expansion is cuz they are scared of an Obama tax hike, which is actually just letting the tax cuts expire as W set them up to do.  The pretzel logic that Rush and his sheep follow is so illogical as to be laughable if it weren't so serious. At least these clowns are consistent, but can you imagine the howling that would have gone on if MSNBC had called Bush an ignoramus and jackass?


Anonymous said…
You act like you expect Fox to be reasonable and tell the truth. When will you learn and stop being surprised when they don't?
Anonymous said…
oh, thank you Anon! You finally took the words right out of my mouth. FG will say he's going to stop watching FOX and possibly he does, but he will continue to read or watch Comedy Central where Jon Stewart has skewered Sanchez daily. Actually Sanchez was being replaced by another show, truth be known. As for Rush, "Gutter gums, and garbage mouth."
ladyj said…
So Rick apologizes to Jon for calling Jon a bigot, saying Rick was "tired" and really didn't know what was coming out of his mouth??? Plueeeeez! If that were the case, Rick Sanchez must have been extremely exhausted much of his air time.
At least CNN has the canhones to fire someone who has hoof and mouth disease, unlike FoxMEWS, the totally catty station.
Fam Guy said…
I wasn't watching FOX. Don't need the brain damage from watching those yahoos butcher the truth. Saw it on AOL News.

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