Despite the scary similarities,

between the two cowboy conmen from Texas, Bush and Perry do have one big difference. W was a 'cheerleader' at Yale, while Perry was a 'yell leader' at Texas A&M. Just like I thought we would never relive the long nat'l nightmare of Viet Nam, as Bush/Cheney successfully lied us into a disastrous war in Iraq, I also thoroughly believed the country could never fall for another 'anti-science' Texas gov, after the drubbing we got from Bush. But now we got Perry on the horizon. I gotta learn to never underestimate the ignorance of the American people, when millions of 'em get their 'news' from FOX. (Pic is before W had surgery to remove his 'unibrow', which is present in all his earlier pix.)


Anonymous said…
Unibrow surgery?
Fam Guy said…
Yeah, it was successful, while the surgery to enhance his IQ to triple digits, wasn't.
Anonymous said…
He gets the heavy facial hair from his mother, Barbara.
ladyj said…
Yes and we know where his pearls are located.
The boy was "plucked" at a young age, didn't you know, Anon!

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