In a typical FOX/Repub candidate story,

Michelle Bachmann was on FOXNews saying that before Obama there was only one Dept of Trans employee who was paid over $170,000 and now there's 1690, which is true, and the sheep were all infuriated, with that damn Obama.  BUT, what these slimeballs 'forgot' to say, is that this raise was OK'd during the Bush admin, in 2008, cuz Air Traffic Controllers' salary had arbitrarily been capped at $168,000, and Congress, incl Bachmann, voted for a small % increase, which put them over $170K. Typical FOX bullshit, that got the sheep all riled up, BUT, when you hear 'the rest of the story' you understand how the FOX Sleaze Machine operates....


ladyj said…
Before you start calling names, you have to remember who controlled Congress during the Bush Administration: the Democrats.
Usually when you see a rise in pay for Congress it's for the most part a Democratic controlled Congress. Check your records. Sad to say, but true.
Fam Guy said…
Again, you totally missed the point.
ladyj said…
okay, Mr. Harvey, what's the "rest of the story"?
Fam Guy said…
FOX took a sliver of truth, and made it seem like Obama had giev his admin employees a huge raise. It was less than 1%, and wasn't even his admin that did it, BUT, that's not how it appeared as the FOX Sleze machine reported it. THAT, is the rest of the story...
ladyj said…
And you know this for certain because you checked the facts? Or are you assuming because it came from the FOX sleaze machine? I'm certainly not defending the FOX testicle challenged group plus female.
Fam Guy said…
It was from an interview on FOX Sunday Morning TV.

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