What I learned from FOXNews,

courtesy of Jon Stewart, and 'The Daily Show', who showed the following footage from FOX.

1. Warren Buffet is a Socialist, (cuz he thinks billionaires don't pay their share of taxes.)
2.. If the gov't reinstated the tax rate on the top 1%, as it was before the GWBush 'Temporary' tax cut, it would ONLY be $700 billion, and that is NOTHING to the govt budget.
3. Our revenue problems could be fixed if the poor paid more taxes. (This is where Jon made it interesting). The 'poor' in the country have a total of 1.5 trillion, in TOTAL assests. If the gov't took HALF of that, it would be approx, $700 billion.
4. The 'poor', in this country aren't really poor, cuz most of them have a refrigerator AND a microwave.

See it here http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/19/jon-stewart-rips-fox-news_n_931177.html

Yup, the gospel according to FOXNews, mouthpiece for gazillionaires, (except Warren Buffet, the Socialist)who wanna keep ALL their money, as FOX tries to make it possible.


Anonymous said…
I always knew you were a Communist.
ladyj said…
THAT is almost funny! Stevo is such a friggin Capitalist, Warren Buffett calls him. He sends Christmas cards with a photo of himself "out standing in his field". His portfolio is so large he uses a forklift to carry it. When Stevo talks, "everybody listens."
Got it, Fidel?

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