Is really funny,

how Rick Perry, described as GWBush on steroids, is claiming to be a great job architect, as Texas has produced more jobs than any other state, but there's a reason.
 1. The last TX gov/pres lowered the bar SO low, as per jobs in the country, after his disastrous reign, that any kind of employment seems good.
 2. W was good at something, and that was pumping up the price of oil, (his and Cheney's family business), about 10-fold., (with lies and wars) and TX has gas/oil under that parched landscape.
 3. TX has benefitted from the bad U.S. economy, (engineered by the last cowboy conman) as retirees are able to buy CHEAP housing there. The problem, after you buy your cheap house? You gotta live in Texas.
4. True, TX has jobs, BUT, is tied with MS in minimum wage jobs.
5. TX, being on the border, has benefitted from NAFTA, which he fought.
6. A lot of their jobs come from defense spending, AFTER W started two wars, based on lies.
Bottom line, the jobs happened in TX, through a series of events that had nothing to do with any leadership from Perry. And what did he do with that largesse? He cut education spending, which was already some of the lowest in the nation. One thing Repubs know is that you sure don't want an educated electorate out there, cuz they tend, overwhelmingly, to vote Democratic. Just look at the top 10 education/income states which are all Blue, and the bottom 10, of which 9 are Red. That's no coincidence.


Anonymous said…
See Rick Perry and Texas Jobs Numbers at

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