I am absolutely shocked,
(not really), that the Bible Belt leads the country in divorces, according to this article that came out, today.
Read it here http://www.cnn.com/2011/LIVING/08/25/divorce.bible.belt/index.html?hpt=hp_bn8
The same part of the country that has the lowest income/education, and is the center and base of the Repub party, also leads in divorce statistics. Who'd a thunk these rocket scientists in Al, LA, MS, TX, KY and the rest of the Bible Belt, who also lead the nation in obesity, wouldn't be able to make the right decisions to keep a marriage together. I am Shocked!
Read it here http://www.cnn.com/2011/LIVING/08/25/divorce.bible.belt/index.html?hpt=hp_bn8
The same part of the country that has the lowest income/education, and is the center and base of the Repub party, also leads in divorce statistics. Who'd a thunk these rocket scientists in Al, LA, MS, TX, KY and the rest of the Bible Belt, who also lead the nation in obesity, wouldn't be able to make the right decisions to keep a marriage together. I am Shocked!