In the 1960's,

there used to be a poster that said, 'Chastity is it's own punishment'. As Texas careens toward record heat and drought, while it's 'journalists' (bloggers) and candidates continue to prove their ignorance, while denying global warming. I would suggest that poster be reborn, replacing 'chastity' with 'living in Texas'. And you wonder why property is cheap, there? They are notoriously and consistently at or near the bottom of all states when it comes to money spent on education. Could the results be more obvious? There's a reason you don't have to pay much if you want to drive a used Yugo, or want to buy a house in Texas. (That being said, I have worked with many Texans, over the years, who are 'salt of the earth' people. Intelligent, hard working and compassionate. They just seem to be in the minority, in my experience.) Bottom line, only Texans could inflict a GWBush, followed by a Rick Perry, on the country.


Anonymous said…
What is it with you and Texans?
Fam Guy said…
Over the years, I have lived in TX, many times, because there was usually money to be made after some kind of disaster. I have been 'up close and personal' with Texans and TX law enforcement and have seen what kind of police dept you get when it is not nec to have a high school diploma to become a police officer. YES, it's true. I've seen them in action on the ski slopes of Colo and in tour groups in Europe, as they have a totally undeserved superiority complex, and they perpetuate the 'ugly American' syndrome. AND, I've seen what GWBush did to us and now there's Rick Perry. SO, my prejudice is well earned, over many years and situations.

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