Something's wrong here,

when candidates have to appeal to the lowest common denominator to move forward in the electoral process. The FOXNews informed farmers of Iowa get national attention as the Repub candidates fall over each other to be the most 'anti-science' and get the votes from these yokels.

According to Public Policy Polling, only 21 percent of Republican voters in Iowa believe in global warming (and only 35 percent believe in evolution). Within the G.O.P., willful ignorance has become a litmus test for candidates.

Go ahead, Romney, Perry and Bachmann, show us how low you'll go, saying anything to get votes from your base, for whom the ninth grade is 'advanced education'.


ladyj said…
We know that Perry needs the Hispanic vote, so he'll say anything holier than thou to obtain that vote, as well as keeping the education in Texas for the illegals while vetoing the national bill. Dubya did the same thing in Texas, as well in Florida where his bro, Jeb was Gov. Got the Hispanic and Cuban votes for Prez and no doubt many dead voters, to boot.
ladyj said…
On the Democratic side, we have to wonder about Obama and the Black voters, as well as the Muslims, assuming "Barry" is (one of them)sshhhh. Of course, as long as Oprah the Great has Barack's back, and holds the money belt, the boy won't have to worry much about paying the campaign bill, will he? Then, too, we have the great Nation of Islam. I'm certain you've seen and read the e-mailos going 'round concerning Obama admitting his religion.

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