As I read Barry's memoir,

I realize that one of the reasons I kept my job, although I was one of the little guys in Feyline Security, was because he enjoyed the softball and basketball games that he put together, with 'his' guys vs. the bands and their roadies and 'security'. His book said he did it to keep people out of trouble, when there weren't shows, or anything else, to do, and he enjoyed watching. I was one of the few who could pitch strikes with a softball, and many times ended up being the pitcher for both teams, cuz if no one throws strikes, it's a LONG, boring game, AND, I was one of the few guys who could actually shoot a basketball, instead of playing the game like tackle football. Many of his stories are good, but not quite true, like the time Alice Cooper tried to introduce him to golf. Barry said that he was 'a natural'. HA, not even close, but Alice, or Vince Fournier (his real name), was real good, when we had a party at his mother's house, on a golf course in Phoenix.


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