When I was a kid,

we used to go to the fairgrounds and watch the stock cars, as they raced around the oval track, BUT, my favorite part was at the end, when they had the demolition derby. With a lot of noise, smoke and crashes, all but one car was demolished, and that one was in pretty bad shape by the time it was declared a winner. Sorta like the Repub prez nomination process. Now Boehner has his jalopy entered, but it's creaking and smoking as he refuses to even let the House vote on the bill that 90% of the Senate agreed to, including most of the Repubs. Hopefully, Obama and the Dems will just let him self-destruct as it is obvious what he's trying to do, by adding a bunch of crap that has already been rejected. Even with FOXNews leading the smoke and mirrors campaign it's gotta be obvious what's going on here, as the Repubs will do anything to protect the 1% and weaken the economy so voters will forget who did the REAL damage and return them to the scene of the crime. I just don't believe the American people, with the exception of the FOXNews sheep, who don't get REAL news, are that stupid. We'll see....


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