At the book signing,

with Barry Fey, he said he remembered several stories, after he had already sent in the final draft. His favorite, he said, involved the 'Queen' song, by Freddie Mercury, who was one his favorite performers. Barry said that whenever he hears "We Are the Champions', by Queen, he has to laugh. Sports teams like to play it after a victory, but Barry said it was written as a 'gay anthem' by the first band and first singer to come 'out of the closet'. Just read the lyrics, and you won't look at the 'sports' song the same way...


Fam Guy said…
I have very vivid memories, when I first had doubts about the the varacity of the Bible. A lot of it just didn't seem to hold up, when looking at 'truth', which means everything to me. I had a memorable discussion, one Christmas, with relatives who were 100% sure that homosexuality is a 'choice' I finally realized that if they could be SO wrong about such a basic fact, they could be wrong about a lot more.

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