True story

I was flipping through the channels, before we head out this afternoon, and thought I had landed on CNBC, the Financial Channel, and had it on, sorta in the background, when I heard a couple of really weird statements, but wasn't really paying attention. Then, they had a guest on, that I actually respect, and they were interviewing him for his thoughts on interest/T-bill rates for the coming years. He gave a good answer, then the 'host' asked, 'Well, how about when the voters get fed up and vote in a Republican Senate and President?' I did a WTF?, and looked at the corner of screen. I was accidentally watching FOXNews Financial Network. The guest/expert gave him a great 'what kind of idiot are you?', answer, I laughed, and switched channels. FOXNews=All Propaganda-All the TIme. It never changes...


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