Some don't understand,

why I can't stand the Texan, Big Oil, Bush buddy cartel. I was in California, in 1994, working insurance claims after the Northridge earthquake. On top of all the other problems we had, there were rolling power outages, as the utility company, owned by Enron, wanted to raise rates, AGAIN, after they had gone up over 1000% already. Look it up. SO, they staged fake outages, when elevators, traffic signals, power to computers, etc, would go out, to justify more increases. Total bullshit, but the Enron, Texas oil people, led by Lay and Jeff Skilling, wanted even more money. They finally got busted, years later, but Kenny Lay, a preachers' son, head of Enron, GW's good buddy, never faced charges, as he disappeared, with most of his money, after faking suicide. Typical Texas politics, from the Bush Big Oil buddies. As I said, look it up. So. California power bills went up over 1000%, to pay for Texan greed, but it wasn't enough for them. How about a war in Iraq?


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