As I vacuumed the floor, this morning,

I had my I-pod in my ears and heard one of favorite road songs, 'Turn the Page', by Bob Seger. Since I have been reading my 'Backstage Past' book, where Barry mentioned his Goon Squad, (incl. John Suzey), I recalled a memory from long ago. The song is about being a long hair in redneck country, and part of the song goes,

Well you walk into a restaurant, Strung out from the road
And you feel the eyes upon you As you're shakin' off the cold
You pretend it doesn't bother you But you just want to explode
Most times you can't hear 'em talk, Other times you can
All the same old cliches, "Is that a woman or a man?"
And you always seem outnumbered, You don't dare make a stand
[ Lyrics from: ]

Well, late one night, we were somewhere in Oklahoma or Texas, and pulled into a service station to gas up the Winnebago. Gary and I, who were a couple of the little guys, went in to pay, and ran into some drunk cowboys, who didn't like 'hippies'. It actually started when I, being tall, reached up to correct a clock on the wall, with exposed hands, that was way off. One of the cowboys said something wise, cuz they thought they had us outnumbered, and my buddy said something back, and pretty soon no one was backing down and I could tell there was gonna be trouble, but I didn't care, cuz I could see 'help' was on the way, in the form of 325  lb John Suzey, who looked and dressed like a typical biker, but his day job, before he started with Feyline, was hauling beef carcasses for a local meat packer. John saw what was happening, sauntered in and did his typical crowd control move. He'd slowly walk right into the trouble maker, with his big belly leading the way, and keep walking as he told 'em to sit down and shut up, then hit 'em if he had to. It was ALWAYS effective, and settled down the crowd, real fast. SO, that's just what he did with the 'ranch hand'. Game over, no more problems with the cowboys. Anyway, just thought of it, as I heard Seger sing about being 'on the road' and being outnumbered. Sometimes it just didn't matter.


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