and very telling, that the Repubs have a two term former prez, who isn't welcome, and won't be at the Repub Nat'l Convention. The new guy doesn't want to be seen with him, cuz he brings back too many memories, ALL bad, as he was run out of town with a 22% approval rating. REMEMBER? If you don't, just look at the economy, his gift that keeps on giving. GWBush, the worst thing that ever happened to our country, and his henchman, the guy who was actually in charge, The Dick, who left with a 9% approval rating.The crew that wrote $860 BILLION in checks, and started a TRILLION dollar war, based on lies. They claim to be the 'fiscally responsible' party, who inherited a surplus, and passed on a 'wrecked' economy, with most of their expenses, 'off the books'. Gotta love them Pubs, who wanna be put back in charge. No way our country could survive another round of Repub 'leadership'. Without FOX lies to gullible sheep, they wouldn't even ...