I was gonna watch

Paul Ryan's speech, but when he started off blaming Obama for a plant that closed, WHILE BUSH WAS PRESIDENT, and then blamed Obama for S&P dropping it's  credit rating on the US right after the Pubs refused to raise the debt ceiling, that they had pumped up, I just turned it off. As Romney said, 'we're not gonna let fact checkers dictate our campaign'. Oh REALLY? Ryan then went on about 'you didn't build that', (bullshit), no work for welfare (bullshit), over $700 billion from Medicare (same as Pubs), and many other blatant whoppers. They want to assume leadership and their Veeps speech is lie after blatant lie, after having months to prepare? Do they think we're all FOX sheep, who don't know the difference, or care? Anyone who can look at the Bush years and say, 'Gimme more of that', is so uninformed that they deserve what they get. Just don't drag the rest of us down with you.


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