Everyone's heard, by now,

how another Repub 'jenius', Todd Akin, showed his thorough (mis)understanding of 'lady parts' and rape. After being called out by every Repub from Romney to the school janitor to step down, he had a series of news conferences where he said, ' I put one wrong word in one wrong place', so he should be forgiven. Oh Really? Then, after being castigated by Pubs all over, cuz it exposes more of their 'war on women' party platform, he blamed the 'Liberal Media' for his problem. No shit. These a-holes are so used to their knee-jerk responses that it just flows out of their mouths, like so many other lies that are spewed daily, in an effort to muddy the waters, when the main issue is, and should be, 'who messed up the country/economy in the first place? Yup, that would be Bush and the Pubs. Let's be real, here....


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