Living in a 'swing state',

we are hammered by political ads, and the MAIN Pub commercial is about the Obama quote, 'You didn't build that', with the sentence preceeding it, LEFT OUT', which refers to roads and bridges. If this is the best Romney and the Pubs can do, I'm thinking they're toast, as they well should be. Base your campaign on a lie? Yup, that's what the Pubs in Colorado are doing. SO obvious, when you look at it, from a non-sheep view. Adios, Romney. Hard to believe he's the best the Pubs can do, BUT, looking at Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann  and Rick Santorum, he IS the best of the bunch. Really weak, BUT, the best of the Pubs. Too bad they can't resurrect a B-movie actor who can memorize lines and recite conservative talking points, with a twinkle in his eye and a fog in his head. A guy whose own kids, who knew him best, couldn't stand him. But Ronald Reagan is dead. Too bad....


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