Of course Mitt says

the 'The Fed Should Avoid Further Stimulus', cuz that would help the economy, and that's the LAST thing Mitt and the Pubs want. Their stated goal, to beat Obama at all costs, is only helped by the perception that 'It's Obama's Economy Now', although after the Bush/Repub nightmare of 2000-2008, it's gonna take decades to fix, esp if the Pubs fight every program designed to stimulate jobs in the private sector. You don't crash a speeding Ferrari into a telephone pole and expect have it as 'good as new', when half the body shop ( who works for Lamborghini) is sabotaging your every move and won't allow access to needed parts. At a time when the gov't can borrow money at near 0% interest, our infrastructure is crumbling, with record unemployment, we obviously need WPA type work projects, but the same Pubs who gladly spent hundreds of billions on wars, based on lies, SUDDENLY have a fiscal conscience. Hopefully, the nonFOX believing public will see what is SO obvious, and tell the Tea Party fake patriots to take a hike.


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