I See 'The Dick' Cheney,

the 'worst ever' waste of a healthy human heart, with his 9% approval rating, (whose lies took us into another war, further enriching his 'big oil' buddies), is making the rounds, again, saying how Obama is a 'terrible' president. What's next, interviewing the Imperial Wizard of the KKK about race relations, followed by an in depth discussion with Wile E Coyote, about the proper way to catch a roadrunner, with Rupert Murdoch expounding on 'Ethics in Journalism', while Rush preaches humility, integrity and phyical fitness? Are you kidding me? Who actually believes this crap? Oh yeah, the Pubs, who totally wrecked our economy. Anyone else remember 2008, the zenith of GWBush's presidency?


Fam Guy said…
Who gives this 'dick' a plaatform for his venom, after it is SO obvious what he is all about? Think Haliburton, oil and bombs.

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