If you listen and believe

the Pubs, you'd think they actually have a plan, and ideas to fix the mess they left last time. BUT, all they got is whining and 'glittering generalities' with no meat on the bone. They act like the Dems took a good situation and made it worse, instead of Obama having to fight just to keep the country from tanking with two wars, crashing home values, unemployment and the worst recession since the 30's. Thanks, George. Now, the Repubs trot out the speech makers and hope no one can remember 2008, when the mess started. They make up crap, like 'you didn't build that' and he's 'removing work from welfare'. Both total lies, according to all fact checkers. No problem for the Pubs, they just make it up as they go, and FOX hammers it home. Some things never change.


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