If I were a serious, rational

somewhat intelligent Repub, and there are a few of them out there, I would wonder. WTF happened, again? We had a chance, then McCain picked Palin. This year, Obama was VERY beatable, but the best we could do was MITT ROMNEY, the human-like robot, who is just laughable, as a human being.. A once proud, somewhat respectable party, taken over by Tea Party whack jobs. When will we become relevant, again?
 Not in the near future, as I see it. Thanks again, Tea Party, the 'other side' truly appreciates you. Keep the Santorums, Perrys, Cains, Bachmanns and Newt Gingriches out there, following GWBush, proving you don't need a triple digit IQ to score big with the Pubs. Keep it up, clown squad. Just keep believing that FOXNews actually relates to the thinking public.


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