Continuing to prove

that he and FOX 'News' exist in a world of lies, Roger Ailes says today, 'FOX 'News' does NOT program to Conservatives.' Oh really? While the legitimate press nears the 10th anniversary of 'Shock and Awe', and points out what a disaster it has been, with all the lies from the Pubs leading up it, the costs to our country and the casualties to the Iraqi people, Roger's Rag features Paul Wolfowitz today, one of the wars 'Chicken Hawk' instigators, saying the 'world is a much better place'. While 'Real' news organizations report that it was all a power grab for Iraq's oil, by the 'Big Oil' Bush White House, AIles and Fox continue to ignore the cost and damage, giving a 'free pass' to all the criminals who profitted as Iraq's oil is now in the hands of the same Big Oil companies who were/are represented by Bush/Cheney. 'Same old shit' from Ailes and Fox. Does anyone REALLY believe their crap? Other than the conservatives that FOX 'doesn't program too, that is? What a joke, that is actually really sad. Nothing new here...


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