I've often wondered,

'How could anyone be a Republican?' (Unless they are in the 1%, then it's OBVIOUS) Now, there's substantial research indicating differences in liberal and conservative brains. The definitive study, analyzed the DNA of 13,201 Australians and found several genes that differentiated between liberals and conservative, with the main being 'threat sensitivity and openness to experience'. "Liberals had larger anterior cingulate cortexes, which are associated with tolerance to uncertainty, while Conservatives had larger right amygdalas, which are associated with sensitivity to fear." Liberals ask, "Why can't we all get along? And conservatives respond, "Why are you threatening traditional values?"
Makes sense, how two people with similar backgrounds could look at the same thing, and see it SO differently. The Dem says, 'Hey, this new way looks better', while the Pub says, 'But we've ALWAYS done it THIS way'. Their brains are wired differently. Pretty obvious now that you know...


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