My buddy Denny came over yesterday,

to help me hook up our new Sony Blue Ray player, that wirelessly streams Netflix, Hulu, Pandora, etc to our TV, cuz I was having problems with it AND we have NO TV in the house, since BOTH of our DVR/Receivers broke down Thursday, and we can't get replacements til Monday, (and it wasn't easy getting scheduled that fast). After trying for a couple hours, Denny couldn't get the wireless connection either. THEN, we looked further, and saw that the unit I bought, ISN'T wireless. DUH.... You can put in as many proxy codes and Mac #'s as you want, and it still doesn't work. Bottom line, 4 days with NO TV, with NCAA Tourney, Nuggets, golf, News, Vikings, movies, etc. At least there's a nice snowstorm to watch, and lots of snow to scoop, while listening to lots of music, AND do have some good books.... PS. Have bought a lot of good tools, over the years, BUT, I think my best-ever purchase was the snowblower, and it proved itself again today, as we are geting a great spring snowstorm.


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