If you are a citizen,

who had committed the unforgivable sin of living in Baghdad, after the US installed Saddam Hussein to counter the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran, tomorrow marks the 10 year anniversary of your descent into Hell. On Mar 20, 2003, Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld unleashed 'Shock and Awe' against the civilian population of the 'Cradle of Civilization'. A war based on lies wrecked their world, knocking out electricity, water and sewer for years, killing and wounding hundreds of thousands, and displacing millions of innocent civilians. GWBush's 'Oops, no WMD's' war, marks 10 years, thousands of Amercan lives, tens of thousands wounded and over a trillion US dollars, tomorrow, as the Bushies got the war they wanted. Happy 10th Anniversary, George! You (and your supporters), should be SO proud...


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