Is kinda funny, but mostly sad,

how the FOX/Pubs (one and the same), are banging the drums for a war with Iran. They have no problem with the price tag, as the returning vets from their last wars are bankrupting the system, BUT, they bitch about HeadStart, and Meals on Wheels as a waste of money. Total hypocrites, when it comes to revenue/spending, as they refuse to close tax loopholes for the 1%, subsidies to Big Oil (WTF with 'Oil Depetion Allowance'?), Big Ag ($ for corn ethanol that costs more energy to grow than it creates) and credit for Big Business to relocate overseas, ( and not pay taxes). It is SO obvious what's going on, but the sheep, other than the 1% who benefit, just refuse to see what's going on. Nothing new here, as FOX spreads their BS to an eager, ignorant audience, in their low education/income, Red State base. And YES, I do have documentation for my claims.


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