In what should be REQUIRED reading,

the Iraq War (based on Repub lies), now has a price tag of over $2 TRILLION, with costs up to $6 TRILLION, when the actual price tags of veteran care, and the interest on the money involved is figured in.
The preliminary numbers of those killed and wounded were also way too low. This while alienating world opinion toward the US, (Surprise, France and other European countries didn't jump in line to join W and his imaginary threat). The Pubs must be SO proud, as we approach the 10 year anniversary of their 'Shock and Awe' campaign against WMD's that never existed, cuz one war just 'wasn't enough', after attacking Afg, when 3 Afg's and 15 Saudi's attcked on 9-11.  And they bitch about Obama wasting money? What a bunch of hypocrites.


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