
the S&P 500 closed over the pre-Bush Crash numbers, on the last day of the fiscal quarter. As some say, 'we've had a good year, this quarter'. Also, some see the market like a glass that's half full, and point of view depends on 'if you're drinking, or if you're pouring'. We'll see, but I like the economic stats that are coming in, esp housing numbers. The European Market doesn't  look good, BUT, that may be good for us, cuz there's a LOT of money in the world that's looking for a home, and now the US looks good in comparison. Still lots of unemployment, BUT, most people have jobs and have been sitting on cash, driving an older car, and now their 401K looks better and their house value is going up. All it takes for the economy to improve is for the general public to THINK it's gonna get better, and start spending again. A self fulfilling prophecy. AND, lots of investors are just waitng for a 'pullback' of 5-10% to create a buying opportunity, so they can jump in, or increase their positions. SO, even if it goes down, it's not gonna stay down. Just some of the reasons I've been adjusting from 'defensive' to 'offensive' investments. At least that's my opinion and it's worth exactly what you paid for it.


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