Good article in The NYTimes this morning,

that explains a lot about ISIS, and fanatic religion everywhere. Mostly young, confused, questioning followers suddenly find a 'cause', that eliminates choices and tough decisions in life, PLUS, they are guaranteed a better 'next' life, AND, they have a bunch of built in 'friends' for a social life where they can all get together and feel superior, with a 'purpose'. I've seen it happen, way too often, as a cult can give meaning (for a while) to easily swayed individuals. There's a reason cults flourish, for those with a herd mentality, and there are plenty of 'leaders' with a Messianic complex who are only too happy to feel the power and reap the offerings of their 'flock'. Nothing new here, as it's been going on since the beginning of time. The problem arises when they think 'my God is better than your God', and they fight to prove it, as in Sunni vs Shiite, Catholic vs Protestants, Christian vs Muslim, etc, cuz at worst that gets them into that next 'better' life, faster, right?  Or, they are herded together into a giant, easily manipulated voting bloc. Read it all, here:


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