Merle Haggard was a typical rightwingnut,

who used to be proud to be an Okee from Muskogee, where they'd throw 'hippies' in prison, for a LONG time, if they got busted with pot. Thankfully, in his old age, he has matured.

Haggard used to be on the anti-marijuana side of the fence, but has since changed his tune, as evidenced by a track on his latest record with Willie Nelson titled "It's All Going to Pot.” He says the shift in perspective is due to a combination of education on the matter and maturing as an adult.

Education!. Wow, what a concept, that more of the rightwingnuts should consider, OR, they could just keep listening to FOX, and retain their anal-cranial inversion, to fit-in with the herd, (or is it flock?). Anyway, here's the Willie/Merle video.


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